Friday, September 19, 2008

I'm not a very good blogger

I stopped updating again. Oops. We finished up our time in Tumut earlier than expected. So we took a week's vacation in Sydney. It was amazing. I refer you to my husband's blog for details. If you go to Sydney I highly recommend Featherdale Wildlife Park, the BridgeWalk, buying SeeSydney passes with public transport passes, and sitting in the choir loft to watch the orchestra at the Sydney Opera House.

We came home for a week, then went to St Felicien in northern Quebec. It's a long pretty drive (about 8 hours straight north). No touristy stuff this trip - we'll have to get to the zoo and fromageries next time. Now we're back in NY for at least a week. Billy's taking off to work on his trucks. It'll time to get it in show-shape...but he should be able to at least get it down to a single truck by the end of the year. We're trying to get rid of all our extra stuff. Not only do we get some cash and clear the clutter, but it'll make it so much easier to move out. It'd be so much easier to just have a little apartment where we didn't have to worry about maintenance so much.

And I have to restart my push-ups challenge. I took too long of a break to pick up where I left off. I only lasted a few more days after my last post. I got a really nasty flu and was out of commission for a full week and still recovering on vacation. Once we were back I'd totally forgotten. But I've remembered and I'm restarting tomorrow (too tired and full to properly take the challenge tonight).


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