Monday, March 3, 2008

Quick Update

Let's see, what's happened in the last month.
Well, we went to Vitoria, came back, Billy went back to Vitoria and Curatiba (but I didn't go), came back, and now we've gone to Vitoria again. I still haven't learned Portuguese except to read a restaurant menu. I feel kinda bad about that. I've gotten to working a pretty good job on oDesk with regularish 20-30 hour weeks. I've gotten hooked on reading RSS feeds. I've read a couple a of books. I got a sunburn that actually lasted more than 8 hours - it took 2 hours of direct mid-day tropical sun with no SPF to start to get pinkish. It took another 2 hours of sun after that for it to set in. Billy and I both turned 25. I've started making a list of all the things I did wrong in packing/preparing for this trip. I found out I'm not moving to China for the rest of the year. I think our cul-du-sac finally got cable. I got Billy to eat sushi. I got all our finances set up in MoneyDance. I got to drink hot cocoa at breakfast every day :)

That'll do for now.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

I've been bad

I don't have any good excuses. I just stopped posting. Sorry. I swore I'd have something up by the end of the weekend. I remembered that about 2 minutes ago. But I'm about to go to bed. So I'll have to put up a proper post tomorrow. Honest.

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