Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Weather check

Near my house in NY:

Click for Glens Falls, New York Forecast

Here in Guangzhou, China:

Click for Guangzhou, Guangdong Forecast

Next assignment in Tres Lagoas, Brazil:

Click for Tres Lagoas, Brazil Forecast

Looks like we'll be skipping most of winter again! :)



Do you get to come home for Christmas?


I sure hope not! That is, if by 'home' you mean my house, or with other relatives. As far as I'm concerned, home is wherever I'm sleeping that night -- which is here in Guangzhou for now.

If I have to leave before Christmas, it means my visa extension failed and I'm being forced to leave the country without Billy. Plus, we already bought tickets for the Christmas dinner buffet!

I can't stand the whole Christmas hoopla anyway. If I want to give you a present, I'm gonna give you a present. I was a little bummed about missing Thanksgiving at Grandma's house though.

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