Wednesday, November 5, 2008

How could you vote for that!?

Come on, you just read about my trip to see Rocky Horror. Like I'd actually be backing McCain. That ain't my problem.

How can people vote to ban gay marriage!? Marriage as a legal entity should not be discriminatory. I completely agree that churchs or individuals can decline to perform same sex wedding ceremonies -- but to outright ban them via constitutional amendment? That just doesn't make sense. Is that not the very definition of discrimination? It's only been a few decades since there were laws against interracial couples. Any whisper that those were a good idea would be political suicide. But to vocally oppose the union and accompanying legal rights of two people who want to be married, simply because they both have F's or M's on their drivers licenses is somehow OK?

You know what though? Politicians do all sorts of things I don't agree with - that a lot of people don't agree with. Like pork barrel spending and bail-out bills and abusing free postage privileges. So I don't blame them for this mess. It's the bigoted regular citizens who voted these bans into law as ballot measures that make me sick. I was so happy last night to see America actually had the nerve to elect Obama. But I can't enjoy that victory knowing that millions of people had their civil rights voted away on the very same night.


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