Friday, January 18, 2008

Bring On The Mosquitos!

Success! We left this morning for the clinic at 6:45 AM. It's about a 15 minute drive. We waited outside with a growing crowd until 7:30 AM, then we moved inside and waited a while longer. Good thing too, it started pouring just after we got inside. The woman at the desk asked us to stand to the side when we finally got up to her. Just before 8 AM a girl came and asked if we were the ones waiting for vaccination. We said yes and were ushered into a back room. A nurse wrote our names on little pieces of paper and stamped them to use as proof of vaccination (we were told to keep these in our passports). Another nurse prepared the shots (yes, they used a new syringe/needle for each patient - it came out of a little plastic peel open container, just like in the US). It was surprisingly painless. Just a tiny prick to the back of the arm (they gave it in the triceps area). Plus, it was free of charge. Not being residents we expected to have to pay. But no, we didn't even have to show our ID to get the shot. We did show her our passports rather than having to spell out our names and birthdays. And we had to tell her we weren't allergic to eggs.

Now if only it could have been that easy yesterday!



Gotta love free drugs. Michael Moore's Sicko is on target after all.

The pictures are stunning! All that unspoiled countryside...and the terrain is really surprising.


About that unspoiled countryside... looks can be deceiving. Yes, it looks pretty and serene. But it all used to be rain-forest. It's just been cut down over the past 400 years to make farm land and cattle pastures.

It makes me feel a little better about the parts they're planting with Eucalyptus for the paper mills. Those areas lost their rain-forest (and most of their ecology) a long time ago. A mono-culture forest that gets replanted every 7 years probably isn't any worse than a cattle ranch.

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